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Working in a noisy environment does put your hearing at risk. These days, it is common for work places to have plans in place to protect their workers however this was not always the case. Many Australians will have hearing loss from previous employment which may impact their quality of life. A thorough assessment can help to determine the extent of hearing loss which may be age related vs work related. Depending on the outcome you may be entitled to a claim through WorkSafe to assist with your hearing concerns.    

What is involved in a WorkSafe assessment? 

A WorkSafe assessment requires the same information as an Adult Hearing Test. Often it is during an adult hearing test that the possibility of noise related loss is uncovered. If a hearing loss is found you may wish to pursue a WorkSafe claim directly or via a lawyer. Alternatively, you may choose not to pursue a claim in which case we can manage your hearing loss privately or through the government funded program. 

What is involved in a Pre-Employment assessment? 

Your employer will generally provide you with a form that indicates their requirements. It is usually a similar test battery to an Adult Hearing Test

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